
We have a lot of work ahead of us over the next few years to make existing buildings fit for the future. In order to achieve the Austrian goal of climate neutrality by 2040, the renovation rate and quality are to be massively increased over the next few years. In addition, fewer and fewer plots of land are being allocated for new builds and developers are therefore having to fall back on existing buildings.

In the single-family home sector, compromises often have to be made due to the financial outlay and individual building component renovations have to be started. From an energy perspective, comprehensive renovations are preferable. It should be borne in mind that the value of the property increases to roughly the same extent as the investment.

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Sustainable refurbished buildings and neighborhoods are in line with the goals of the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement (COP21), which states that global warming should be limited to 1.5°C if possible. Greenhouse gas emissions from buildings are to be reduced through refurbishment, continued operation and also the "end of life" phase to a level that can naturally be compensated.

In order to achieve the Austrian goal - climate neutrality by 2040 - the refurbishment rate and the refurbishment quality must be massively increased in the coming years.

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