Primary school Wals-Siezenheim
The new building for the primary school, after-school care and other communal functions forms an anchor point for the entire town in the no-man's land on the edge of Austria's largest barracks. With a sustainable construction method (klimaaktiv gold), a masterful execution of the white concrete components and a rare precision of the timber constructions, a building of extraordinary quality was achieved.
Municipality Wals-Siezenheim
8.242 m²
Building physics: DI Graml Ziviltechnik
Building services - sanitary: S&P climadesign GmbH
Electrical planning: e+ engineering, Ingenieurbüro Sieberer GmbH
Geotechnics: geo² zt gmbh
Climate active building certification: S&P energydesign KG

The fact that sustainability is not just lip service here is demonstrated by the attention paid to numerous aspects that lead to a considerable reduction in climate-damaging emissions and are measurably reflected in a low OI3 index. This is achieved through a hybrid construction method in which only the load-bearing columns, ceilings and bracing cores are made of concrete, while the entire extension, including the walls, is made of (solid) timber. Even the gravel from the excavation was reused as aggregate for the concrete. Recycled concrete was used for structurally subordinate components.
A groundwater heat pump with building component activation (with ceiling cooling) is available for heating and cooling. Large canopies and external sun protection reduce the heat input in summer to a minimum, while a controlled supply and exhaust air system with heat recovery and night ventilation ensure an optimised indoor climate. A PV system with a maximum output of 152 kWp is located on the green roof.
A material aesthetic generated from the direct effect of the exposed concrete, wood in the interior and untreated larch wood in the building envelope emphasises the spatial design, which is derived from the clarity of basic geometric shapes.
Text in abridged form (c) Nextroom, Roman Höllbacher-Initiatve Architektur