Telegraf 7 Office
Vienna's Lehargasse 7, close to the Naschmarkt, is home to the former telephone exchange of the Imperial and Royal Post and Telegraph Directorate. Post- und Telegrafendirektion, an architectural jewel by Eugen Fassbender with a richly decorated façade. The listed building, which remained unused for a long time, was converted into the headquarters of JP Immobilien in consultation with the Federal Monuments Office. At the centre of the project are two historic telegraph rooms, which were supplemented by minimalist glass boxes. These room-in-room constructions house offices and event areas, while the historic building fabric remains visible. An elegant design concept and a precise lighting design set the scene for the restored halls.
Where possible, recycled concrete was used in the course of the refurbishment.
JP Immobilien
Vogtmann & Schweighofer